Monday, March 5, 2018

02-05-18 "5 0sorry aout the keyboard in advace"

Mom:  I decided to copy and paste Gabe's letter this week and not clean it up, so you can see how crazy the keyboard he uses is and how different his access to good technology is...missing/broken parts surely show up in his emails.  Be grateful for our U.S. equipment.  :)  Happy deciphering - I'll add the cleaned up version below it!  LOL

wow, time is running.

this eek was my last week of Kwamo and my first week in abuakwa wth elder white. we are enjoying! to close out my time in kwamo, vida at bshops place asked if i could make soecakes for them, so we made some dang good cake, and it turned out really really great!

wednesda was transfer day, adn it went smoothy, no issuie there, haelujah.

thursday to sunday was retty goo dthoughm, i got to meet most of the investigators heer in abuakwa, so that is sweet! they have smo powerful peopl we can ork ith, so i am excited for that!! :) THere is a man here who was recently baptized named emanuel who lived in Teaxs afor 17 years in oyhuston. how sweet is hat??

SUnday was sad, it wasnt a inviting as kwamo was but then again it is my first week here, and i had sent almost 8 month in kwamo, so i guess that was xpected. we have a few embers whio hae invited us over in the eek o viit them, so i am glad we have some who want us to visit them :)

we fetched water this morning for a woman who has trouble with her legs, wha a sweet oportunity, felt aesome to do so. Ton sof the locals were laughing at u because they never see white eople fethcing wter, glasd we could make their day! :)

it i normal here for people to get xonfused abotu the church becaue o the ord saints. in ti , it means calling dead souls and worshippin tghem, so i have ebeen looking for a scriture that about sums u the true maning of the word saint and i found an awesome scriture s with the help of ELDSer White!:

18 But, behold, the righteous, the saints of the Holy One of Israel, they who have believed in the Holy One of Israel, they who have endured the crosses of the world, and despised the shame of it, they shall inherit the kingdom of God, which was prepared for them from the foundation of the world, and their joy shall be full forever. (2 Nephi 9:18)

i love how imple the scriptue explains the saints, thos who believed in Christ, enduerd the crosses of the world, and were not ashamed iof it. These are they who will hae truer happiness and thier joy shall be fu foreer! :) i love it. catch ya next week.


Wow, time is running.

This eek was my last week of Kwamo and my first week in Abuakwa with Elder White. We are enjoying!  To close out my time in Kwamo, Vida at Bishop's place asked if I could make some cakes for them, so we made some dang good cake, and it turned out really really great!

Wednesday was transfer day, and it went smoothy, no issues there, hallelujah.

Thursday to Sunday was pretty good though, I got to meet most of the investigators here in Abuakwa, so that is sweet!  They have some powerful people we can work with, so I am excited for that!! :)  There is a man here who was recently baptized named Emanuel who lived in Texas for 17 years in Houston.  How sweet is that??

Sunday was sad, it wasn't as inviting as Kwamo was but then again it is my first week here, and I had spent almost 8 months in Kwamo, so I guess that was expected.  We have a few members who have invited us over in the week to visit them, so I am glad we have some who want us to visit them.  :)

We fetched water this morning for a woman who has trouble with her legs, what a sweet opportunity, felt awesome to do so. Tons of the locals were laughing at us because they never see white people fetching water!  Glad we could make their day!  :)

It is normal here for people to get confused about the church because of the word Saints.  In Twi, means calling dead souls and worshiping them, so I have been looking for a scripture that about sums up the true meaning of the word saint and I found an awesome scripture with the help of Elder White:

18 But, behold, the righteous, the saints of the Holy One of Israel, they who have believed in the Holy One of Israel, they who have endured the crosses of the world, and despised the shame of it, they shall inherit the kingdom of God, which was prepared for them from the foundation of the world, and their joy shall be full forever. (2 Nephi 9:18)

I love how simple the scripture explains the saints, those who believed in Christ, endured the crosses of the world, and were not ashamed of it.  These are they who will have truer happiness and their joy shall be full forever!  :)  I love it.  Catch ya next week.

Elder Wawro

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