Ma Blessings place caught fire this week also. She has had some serious miracles in her life. Last month, 3 of the rooms in her compound caught fire but not hers. Then this week, the other 3 caught fire, but not hers again! Her room is safe and sound, not a single thing burned at all. Nobody was hurt, but really a miracle that her room wasn't burned.
I WATCHED A DRAGONFLY EAT A HOUSEFLY! I thought dragon flies were peaceful insects always hovering by the water, but dang, that dragonfly was hungry! I have the video, maybe someday I will get to send it.
We had a ton of investigators at Sacrament this week. among them was our miracle man from Liberia, Emmanuel. He was baptized this week which was awesome, and he wants to stay another week to receive the priesthood before he goes to Accra. Truly a miraculous experience! :) We also had our Muslim guy Omar come this week. He has been so nervous to come to church with us even though he really likes the teachings. His family is half Muslim half Christian, and he has chosen to be a Christian. What a miracle there too. :)
Also, paved roads are coming to Kwamo! :) Blessings seriously, walking on dirt a lot is fun, but paved roads are so sweet to walk on! :D We are upgrading for sure. :)
I studied in the book of Mormon in Jacob this week about the death of Nephi. So sad to read because he is one of my all-time favorites in the Book of Mormon. What I read taught me about the example that we set as leaders and as people in general. This is chapter 1 verse 10-11:
10 The people having loved Nephi exceedingly, he having been a great protector for them, having wielded the sword of Laban in their defense, and having labored in all his days for their welfare—
11 Wherefore, the people were desirous to retain in remembrance his name. And whoso should reign in his stead were called by the people, second Nephi, third Nephi, and so forth, according to the reigns of the kings; and thus they were called by the people, let them be of whatever name they would.
These people of Nephi loved him so much that they named their ruler after Nephi. He loved his people and served them all the days of his life, and this service had such an impact on them that even after his death, the people still wanted to remember him. We are all examples, and our example can bless those around us. Service and good works to others also show our love for others, and can truly change someone's life as we do these things for them. I am amazed at the love the people had for Nephi and it came because of his love and service on their behalf. Nephi is a great example to us and how we should love ans serve others, and i hope to be like him someday.
Elder Wawro
Picture with Elder Erickson
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